poniedziałek, 27 czerwca 2022


                                                Polska wersja niżej / Polish version below

 Today I am pleased to publish an interview I recently do with a band called - Besna. Musicians represent the style of Post Black / Progressive metal music. They come from Slovakia (Bratislava) and have been playing since 2017. From the interview, you will find a few interesting facts about the band, what is their main inspiration for creating songs, and many other things. I wish you pleasant reading! In my opinion, this young band has a lot of potentials!

1. Sentinel: When exactly did you come up with the idea to start the Besna band and how did it come about?

Samo: This is a longer story, but in a nutshell in 2015 there was an intention to bring one home studio project to life, which after perhaps two years and after several personal changes ended up with a full band lineup playing completely different music which was later named Besna. Our very first concert was played on 26.5.2017 in Cyklokuchyňa, Bratislava.

2. S: Does Besna mean something special (I mean the name of the band and its meaning) what is the story behind the fact that this is what you called the band and not otherwise. 

Timo: Besna means furious/rabid/wild. As far as the story goes - we were brainstorming for a band name and brought up several ideas to the forefront. The unifying element between these was that we wanted something that would hint at the connection of our lyrics to Slovak culture and history. Among others, a well-known Slovak poem by Ján Botto came up - Margita a Besná. We kept Besná as its meaning was close to the style we played and removed the accent so that it’s more identifiable

3. S: What are your main inspirations for creating songs, what are your lyrics about, and what are your inspirations for these lyrics? 

Pinťo: We write what we would like to hear more of in the world, and this holds for both the lyrics and the music. The lyrics touch on the issues we feel we should be bringing forward, not only as a metal band but as a whole of humankind - global warming, the history lessons on totalitarianism we tend to ignore, and human nature not even being able to deal with itself on a personal level. The music, while it often comes before the lyrics, is the vessel for these emotions.

4. S: What are your plans for the near future? Are you planning to release another album? Any concert tours at home and abroad?

Samo: At the end of May we visited five countries in central Europe in five days with german melodic black metal band Abyss with our Zverstvá v Evrópe Tour and then during the summer we will play a couple more concerts in Czechia, Austria but mostly in Slovakia. 
As far as the new album goes, we have several riffs in the drawer and a concept in mind, but this is now on the other track of our running train. 

5. S: What are your inspirations when it comes to bands - I mean the bands that shaped you and strongly influenced the sound of Besna, or are you really looking for your own individual style in your music and sound?

Pinťo: I strongly associate with the quote misattributed to various artists through time, about nothing is completely original, just the combined influence of everyone we’ve met, or everything we’ve heard - to mangle and misquote it here one more time. Thus, I feel that the sound we’re trying to craft as our own comes from taking in the sound of the albums we love and turning them into something new, any originality coming from the uniqueness of this mix. For example, I’m really into older Opeth or any of the heavier prog-metal bands with long songs with mellow interludes. Our drummer is, among other things, into 90s Metallica. You mix that up and end up with a song like Fúga.

6. S:  Do you ever plan to play a concert in Poland? 

Timo: It’s definitely something we are considering. It’s possible there might be few concerts in Poland next year.

7. S:  What do you usually refer to in your music (do I mean folklore or something else?) 

Pinťo: Many of the texts draw on what we are presently reading. From history to sci-fi classics, just like the music we listen to, the culture we consume influences what we think and write about. However, we try to be rooted in Slovak literature as well, particularly with songs like Margita or Morena. 

8. S: Thank you for the interview and your time! Finally, do you want to say something from yourself? - it's time for you!

Besna: Looking forward to playing in Poland. Take care & cheers! Love music, love coffee, Lovecraft. 


   Listen Besna song "Spev Drozda" here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V16f3q7ekW4
  Besna Bandcamp: https://besna.bandcamp.com/


 Dziś mam przyjemność opublikować wywiad, który niedawno przeprowadziłem z zespołem Besna. Muzycy reprezentują styl muzyki post Black / Progressive metal. Pochodzą ze Słowacji (Bratysława) i grają razem od 2017 roku. Z wywiadu dowiecie się o kilku ciekawostkach na temat zespołu, co jest ich główną inspiracją do tworzenia utworów i wiele wiele innych rzeczy. Życzę miłej lektury! Moim zdaniem ten młody zespół ma duży potencjał!

1. Sentinel: Kiedy dokładnie wpadliście na pomysł założenia zespołu Besna i jak do tego doszło?

Samo: To dłuższa historia, ale w skrócie w 2015 roku był zamiar powołać do życia jeden projekt domowego studia, który po około dwóch latach i po kilku zmianach personalnych zakończył się pełnym składem zespołu grającym zupełnie inną muzykę, który został później nazwany Besną. Nasz pierwszy koncert odbył się 26.05.2017 w Cyklokuchyňa w Bratysławie.

2. S: Czy nazwa zespołu "Besna" znaczy coś specjalnego?. Jaka jest historia tego, że tak nazwaliście zespół, a nie inaczej?

Timo: Besna oznacza wściekły/dziki. Jeśli chodzi o historię - Robiliśmy burzę mózgów nad nazwą zespołu i wysunęliśmy kilka pomysłów na pierwszy plan. Elementem łączącym między nimi było to, że chcieliśmy czegoś, co wskazywałoby na związek naszych tekstów ze słowacką kulturą i historią. Pojawił się m.in. znany słowacki wiersz Jána Botto – Margita a Besná. Zachowaliśmy Besná, ponieważ jej znaczenie było zbliżone do stylu, w którym graliśmy, i usunęliśmy akcent, aby był bardziej rozpoznawalny

3. S: Jakie są wasze główne inspiracje do tworzenia utworów, o czym są wasze teksty i jakie są wasze inspiracje do tworzenia tych tekstów?

Pinťo: Piszemy to, o czym chcielibyśmy usłyszeć więcej na świecie i dotyczy to zarówno tekstów, jak i muzyki. Teksty dotykają kwestii, które naszym zdaniem powinniśmy poruszyć, nie tylko jako zespół metalowy, ale jako cała ludzkość – globalne ocieplenie, lekcje historii o totalitaryzmie, które zwykle ignorujemy, i o ludzkiej naturze, z którą nie jesteśmy sobie w stanie poradzić. Teksty są też na poziomie osobistym. Muzyka, choć często pojawia się przed tekstem, jest naczyniem i początkiem dla tych emocji.

4. S: Jakie macie plany na najbliższą przyszłość? Czy planujecie wydać kolejny album? Jakieś trasy koncertowe w kraju i za granicą?

Samo: Pod koniec maja odwiedziliśmy pięć krajów w Europie Środkowej. W ciągu pięciu dni z niemieckim melodyjnym black metalowym zespołem - Abyss z naszą trasą Zverstvá v Evrópe, a latem zagramy jeszcze kilka koncertów w Czechach, Austrii, ale głównie na Słowacji
Jeśli chodzi o nowy album, mamy kilka riffów w szufladzie i pomysł na koncept, ale teraz jest to inny tor naszego biegnącego pociągu.

5. S: Jakie są wasze inspiracje, jeśli chodzi o zespoły - mam na myśli zespoły, które was ukształtowały i silnie wpłynęły na brzmienie Besny, czy tak naprawdę szukacie własnego, indywidualnego stylu w swojej muzyce i brzmieniu?

Pinťo: Mocno kojarzy mi się z cytatem błędnie przypisywanym różnym artystom na przestrzeni czasu, o tym, że nic nie jest całkowicie oryginalne, po prostu gramy i robimy połączony wpływ wszystkich, których spotkaliśmy, lub wszystko, co słyszeliśmy – aby jeszcze raz zmanipulować i błędnie zacytować. Dlatego czuję, że brzmienie, które staramy się stworzyć jako własne, pochodzi z przyjmowania brzmienia albumów, które kochamy i przekształcania ich w coś nowego, wszelką oryginalność wynikającą z wyjątkowości tego miksu. Na przykład, naprawdę lubię starsze Opeth jakiś inny twór muzyczny z cięższych prog-metalowych zespołów z długimi utworami i z łagodnymi przerywnikami. Nasz perkusista jest między innymi fanem Metallici z lat 90. Mieszasz to i kończysz na czymś co jest naszym utworem i nazywa się Fúga.

6. S: Czy planujecie kiedykolwiek zagrać koncert w Polsce?

Timo: To zdecydowanie coś, nad czym się zastanawiamy. Możliwe, że w przyszłym roku w Polsce będzie kilka koncertów.

7. S: Do czego zwykle odwołujecie się w swojej muzyce (mam na myśli czy do jakiegoś folku, folkloru czy czegoś zupełnie innego?)

Pinťo: Wiele tekstów czerpiemy z tego, co obecnie czytamy. Od historii po klasykę science fiction, podobnie jak muzyka, której słuchamy, kultura, którą konsumujemy, wpływa na to, co myślimy i o czym piszemy. Staramy się jednak zakorzenić także w literaturze słowackiej, zwłaszcza w utworach takich jak Margita czy Morena.

8. S: Dziękuję wam za rozmowę i poświęcony czas! Na koniec chcecie powiedzieć coś od siebie? - czas na was!

Besna: Nie możemy się doczekać by zagrać koncerty w Polsce. Uważajcie na siebie, na zdrowie! Kochamy muzykę, kochamy kawę, Lovecraft! 


Tutaj możecie posłuchać utworu Besna "Spev Drozda": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V16f3q7ekW

Besna Bandcamp: https://besna.bandcamp.com/ 

#metalhellvolution, #Besna, #blackmetal #postblackmetal #pogressiveblackmetal #interview #metalintervies #slovakiametal

niedziela, 22 maja 2022

 HEGEROTH - 'Sacra Doctrina'

    Silesian black metal veterans - Hegeroth - come to MetalHellvolution again, with another full-length. This time, we got minimalistic and mystical artwork with a very elegant layout, which visually fits the band's previous releases. 

    Diving right in, I have to say that the guys really to their true musical style - melodic sound with a pinch of technical guitar riffs. I think that the album leveled up the band - vocals were fitted greatly to the music, they didn't feel as if they were pushed to the front too much, and they were way more black metal-like, not like on the previous album.
What makes me confused is the fact that Hegeroth is a melodic BM band, but I cannot find that in their music. They are something in a genre of technical black metal, with some death metal influences. 
The band released an extensively furious and anger-driven album, which is closer to black metal than the past ones, with varied dynamics and more extensive creativity. 
What stole my attention and saved the release at least a bit, was the polish version of 'In Torment' - polish lyrics fit better to Hegeroth's music - they feel elegant, complex, and not so plastic. The vocalist seems to feel more at ease with the mother-tongue lyrics, rather than with the English ones.

    The flaw that has been present in every album by Hegeroth is the repetitiveness and kind of boring riffs. You won't find anything groundbreaking on that album or their previous releases. Hegeroth still focuses on making music in the mixed genre they feel comfortable with. The band won't get elevated in the polish black metal scene because their material could be collected into one big album and you won't see a difference. It's a bit boring, for me at least, all I hear is the same, not creative material, which is supposed to be a new album, but sounds like past songs with a few new riffs.



#blackmetal #polsihband #polishblackmetal #polishblackmetalband #blackmetalband

niedziela, 6 marca 2022

 NYCTOPHILIA - 'Weltschmerz'

    It's been two years since Nyctophilia's last full-length album. With such a long and varied discography, I was wondering if 'Weltschmerz' will be a star in Nyctophilia's career... Also, I really like 'Dwelling In The Fullmoon Light', so I also expected that release to top my old favorite by the band.
I listened to the album a few times, and...

    I was extremely bored. 
I expected something creative, with magical synths and depressive riffs, but all I heard was one loooooong track, that lasted for the 52 minutes of the album. In my opinion, the album did not reach the level of the previous releases. Each guitar riff, drum part, as well as vocals, sounded the same and quite repetitive. Only the fourth track 'Na Zapomnianym Szlaku' was a breakthrough on the album. It felt as if Grief really did his best on that one. This one track didn't save the album, but it kind of kept it at a rather neutral level, since the layout of the physical release was a great choice. 
The cover art was a perfect choice reflecting the characteristics of the material, the hand-written lyrics are a huge positive point for the band here. Grief's care for detail was proved yet again in the creative layout of 'Weltschmerz's' physical release. 

    Well, I wasn't satisfied with the material on the album - even the synths, something that builds up the atmosphere was boring and sounded extremely repetitive to me. As a result of that, the already long tracks felt like an eternity to me.
What saves 'Weltschmerz' is the precision and elegancy, with which the physical releases were done. 
A brilliant idea was to add the painting of Grief by Marek Soszyński, I deeply admire his work, and I think that this artwork was a splendid detail.
Overall, I think that there wasn't much idea on what to include in the album, but the fourth track went in a good direction. 
Let's wait and see what Nyctophilia will release next.


Nyctophilia's Bandcamp:


niedziela, 27 lutego 2022

 FAUN - 'Betrothed Unto Death'

    1995, the underground black metal genre is in its best condition, visionary, brand ideas are emerging, the genre is leading in the extreme metal world. This time, I will tell you about a very underrated band - Faun.
I have never heard 'Betrothed Unto Death', but as soon as I put it on my CD player, thanks to Cold Northern Breeze Records for providing a physical copy, I became richer with yet another outstanding old-school piece of emotional and raw black metal music. 

    The entire demo is in a pure old-school Norwegian vibe, celebrating the true soul and style of the widely appreciated genre. It's kind of a travel back in time, to the years when BM wasn't so accessible to all and wasn't all over the internet. The killer guitar riffs have something from more raw thrash metal, but only once or twice. Accompanied by dreadful vocals, exquisite drums, and 80's synths, we get a pure essence of how true Norwegian black metal used to be. 
The synths watched my attention - they weren't put straight in my face, they had a characteristic of a graceful addition, rather than a 'fist right in your face' feeling. 
The vast diversity and creativity of then-teenagers in 1995 cannot be that underrated. They did something so splendid, so remarkable, yet they didn't get enough appreciation...

    This 21-minute demo will take you to the cold Norwegian cellars under Helvete, where many candles were lit, and black metal is thriving. 
Faun is a band that should be appreciated and spread more in the music world. Their amusing material is on a really high level and I don't think that many bands managed to create something so influential in their lifetime of releasing albums.


Cold Northern Breeze Records:

niedziela, 16 stycznia 2022

 ONE CROSS - 'Death Run' Single

   One Cross is a band from Brazil and I would describe their genre as Thrash / Death / Black metal in a beautiful 80/90 style. Today is the premiere of their first single "Death Run". I will briefly describe their newest track! 

   What I like the most about the band is that the financing of their latest single and music video is done very professionally, but at the same time is in the old style. One cross music reminds me of the bands like the first albums from Sepultura, Sarcófago, and Mystifier. For fans of just such old-school music, One Cross can be the next new/old musical discovery.

   One Cross remains for me and for all of us who love old-school extreme Brazil metal from the 80/90. In my opinion, the band has really great potential, in the sound itself, that their music is real and they played with passion from the heart! 


Listen new single from One Cross band here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Va224JS7zKs 




#metalhellvolution #metal #metalreview #thrashmetal #deathmetal #blackmetal #Brazilmetal #brasilmetal #metalsingle #metalband #oldschoolmetal 

niedziela, 9 stycznia 2022

  TRUPI SWĄD – ''Nekromancja'' LP


  I am very proud to have the pleasure to review the Trupi Swąd band from Poland, Śląsk, and their album called 'Nekormancja'. Proud because it is a material that shows once again that our Polish Black Metal scene is extremely strong and growing in strength all the time. 'Necromancy' is a work in which we have beautiful filth, bestial nature of the lyrics of the songs that perfectly combine with the musical layer. With the guitar riffs on this album and the automatic drums. There's not a moment to pause and stop. Throughout the material, we have beautiful, delicious fucking fast evil black metal riffs straight from hell! So we start!

  At the very beginning, I will deal with the instrumental aspect of this album. I absolutely love the sound of the whole CD. It is old school and kept in the neon atmosphere of underground black metal from the 90s from Norway. (of course, sounds like recorded at home or in the depths of hell) The sound of this release, and production,  and also the guitar riffs and automatic drums, remind me a bit of - HellHammer Demo "Satanic Rites" from 1983 or, for example, the single of the band Venom from 1981 "In League With Satan" / Live Like An Angel'' (Die like a Devil) Even if here it was automatic drums I really like them and here on this albums there doing a nice job, especially in the songs under the title - "Czarna Magia" here we even have the wonderful and favorite for every old school black metal fans "D-beat" on drums. A treat for the first Darkthrone albums. Pure old school.

 There aren't really any bad moments on this album. Additionally, the vocals of the singer are really ghastly nice and also old school. Also, the intro on this album and the outro, which is the composition that closes this album, has a very nice atmosphere of dungeon synths. Very atmospheric. My favorite tracks on this album are: "Czarna magia" and "Ostateczna Egzekucja" - especially here, we have a beautiful intro, and a magic melody of the electric guitar -  my atmosphere) "Nikki Speed ​​" with this release gave to us a solid and juicy dose of a beautiful black metal "wpierdol"! Glory to him!


Links: https://trupiswad666.bandcamp.com/releases

#Metal #blackmetal #blackmetalfrompoland #metalhellvolution #trupiswąd  #blackmetalfans #Speedmetal #trueblackmetal #albumreview #blackmetalreview #metalLP #metalheads #metalmusic #polishblackmetal 

wtorek, 4 stycznia 2022

TOT AUS DEM WALD - 'Disziplin des hohen Feuers'

Tot Aus Dem Wald comes back with a bang - this band always provides new and innovative ideas to record and produce. The war-worshipping band released other-worldly sounding music, which flawlessly represents the band's worship for bloody black metal war, endless misanthropy, and frozen souls.

'Disziplin Des Hohen Feuers' is an album that, after first listen, intrigued me and made me analyze it a bit deeper than other releases. It is deeply emotional because of the magical folk musical inserts -it kind of sounds as if Das Kakophonieä longs for the warmth of his ancestry and puts his suffering in the anger-packed music. 
In addition to the deeply misanthropic sound of the release, the music itself is in an old-school vibe with a pinch of modern sound. I have to say, that 
Das Kakophonieä achieved a quite rare sound of the album - a theatrical sound. While listening to it, you can hear parts of the folk-worshipper vibe, but then it changes into a character that acts on a stage and resembles a misanthropic 100-year-old satan worshipper, lives in a cave and runs his own underground society.
The anger and brutality of the music is a wonderful representation of the need for war to bring back the old ancient order of Germany's pagan times.

All in all, the music is a killer material that strongly represents the current German black metal underground, that tries to bring people back to the one and only true way of life.
Drifting off the musical side of the release, the layout was not much to my taste - I don't think it fits the vibe of the music, but nevertheless, it doesn't play a huge role in that release. 
Huge thanks to 
Das Kakophonieä for providing me with the vinyl - it was such an outstanding experience to listen to this bloody masterpiece from my favorite kind of musical carrier. 


#totausdemwald #blackmetal #germanblackmetal #germanband